Impactful tips for innovative collaborators
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Lucidspark template roundup: June 2024
Check out the latest and greatest in Lucidspark templates!
7 steps in the recruiting process: How to find the right hire
We’ll outline the seven steps in the recruitment process to streamline hiring and help you find the right people.
Set your meeting up for success with a Lucidspark board
We'll teach you the best way to build a meeting board that strikes the right balance of freedom and boundaries.
Developing a go-to-market strategy
We're diving into the details of a solid go-to-market strategy, including tips to create one for your next product launch.
Multi-project management: Tips for success
Discover what multi-project management is, the challenges associated with it, and how to manage multiple projects.
How to use brainwriting to generate ideas
Here’s how to use brainwriting to generate more (and better) ideas fast.
All about business process design
In this article, we’ll explore how to use business process design to make your entire business run more efficiently.
6 summer templates for your team
Summer is here and we’re excited to soak in every moment with seasonal icebreakers and team-building activities!
Master the skill of collaboration for ideation
We’ll explore the course “Collaborate for ideation” and show you how to keep your team engaged during ideation sessions.
All about the Double Diamond UX design process
Double Diamond UX design is a customizable, structured framework that promotes divergent and convergent thinking.
An introduction to the phase-gate process
The phase-gate process may be perfect for your team's project management. Learn what it is and how to implement it.
The art of adaptability: Using contingency theory for effective management
Let’s explain what contingency theory is, how it’s modeled, and how to apply this theory in your managerial role.