Unity hour
Spend one hour a month using this template to create empathy, enhance community, and celebrate diversity.
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What is the unity hour template?
While the best organizations spend a tremendous amount of time developing processes and teams that will efficiently move the business toward its mission, sometimes an important fact gets overlooked: your co-workers are humans. The unity hour template is a powerful tool for learning how each person on your team is unique, with diverse perspectives stemming from individual backgrounds and experiences. This template should be filled out during an hour that can be devoted to team-building.
This diversity, equity, and inclusion template builds teamwork through understanding. It includes spaces for each of your team members to share more about themselves—from early childhood to hobbies—so that the focus can shift from viewing each other as co-workers to viewing each other as complex individuals.
Benefits of using the unity hour template
The unity hour template will take you through a guided workshop that:
- Can be used to celebrate diversity. Each team member’s perspective is invaluable and should be shared.
- Can be used to get to know each other better. Having greater understanding for each other’s backgrounds reduces friction.
- Can build stronger relationships across hybrid teams. There are unique challenges to building relationships when teams are distributed, remote, or hybrid. This template can bring teams closer together, which can result in stronger collaboration and better communication.
How to use the unity hour template in Lucidspark
- First, to ensure privacy, instruct each person on your team to open their own version of the template. Have them include their name, image, and bio in the center.
- Then, have them customize their template with images, stories, and memories in each of the surrounding boxes. Remind them they’re welcome to include friends, family, pets, and anything meaningful from their lives.
- For early childhood, instruct your team members to focus on elementary school. Late childhood should be focused on high school through college.
- Use the timer so that halfway through the hour, you can have your team share within your meeting as much as they feel comfortable.
Jessica Guistolise
Evangelist, Lucid