Start, stop, continue
This template allows you to evaluate your organization's tasks by deciding which efforts to start, stop, and continue.
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How to use this Start Stop Continue template to plan activities
Sometimes you need to stop and think about what you’re doing. With this Start Stop Continue template, also known as a Stop Start Keep template, you’ll evaluate current activities that you want to continue versus ones that you want to stop. You’ll also brainstorm activities that you’re not doing but should start working on.
Benefits of using this Start Stop Continue activity
This is a simple, easy-to-use tool, which makes it very helpful for any team, particularly when your team has too much to work on or too many potential opportunities. When you feel work piling up and you’re not sure if what you’re working on will make progress towards your larger goals, use this template to narrow your tasks down by adding Start Stop Continue ideas to this free template. It will help you focus on what really matters.
How to use this Start Stop Continue feedback template in Lucidspark
Start by putting your current lists of tasks or activities in sticky notes within the Start Stop and Continue template. Once you have them in Lucidspark, you can sort them into the Stop and Continue sections based on whether you think those tasks or activities are actually useful.
Once you’ve sorted your current list, brainstorm ideas about what you should be doing but aren’t. Put those ideas in sticky notes in the Start section of the Stop Start Continue Template.
While you can work on this by yourself, you can also use this tool with your team to evaluate tasks and goals that you have in common. Use Lucidspark’s collaborative features to get better insights, like voting on what items are most important to start working on.

Jenni Chadick
Process Analyst at City of Tacoma