Get inspired with Collaborative AI in Lucidspark

Don’t wait for inspiration to strike. Be more proactive, innovative, and productive by using AI to generate ideas, uncover key themes, and rapidly summarize your working sessions.

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Generate ideas

Generate ideas

Need a prompt to spark your team’s creativity? Kick off a brainstorming session or project with Collaborative AI. Enter relevant keywords or phrases into the text box, click generate, and watch as AI automatically populates related ideas on your Lucidspark canvas as sticky notes.

More ideas

More ideas

After ideation comes iteration. Select one or more sticky notes on your Lucidspark canvas, then use Collaborative AI to generate even more related ideas. Zero in on your team’s best suggestions and unleash the power of divergent thinking to see what’s possible.

Sort ideas

Sort ideas

Go a step further by using AI to uncover key themes. When you click to sort ideas, Lucid’s Collaborative AI moves sticky notes into categories within Containers. That’s where you’ll start to see the big picture as your ideas take shape.

Summarize ideas

Summarize ideas

You won’t need a scribe to take notes. Collaborative AI rapidly summarizes your working session in Lucidspark, so everyone can track next steps. Simply click to summarize selected sticky notes and a Container appears with your takeaway.

Ready to get inspired?

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